
Monday, March 19, 2007

Walkman Phone with Style

Sony Ericsson has recently introduced a new member of the Walkman Phone family, the sleek W660i. The new phone emphasizes on style and design, obviously aiming at the fashion-conscious young adults. Coming in two gorgeous colours, Record Black and Rose Red, the W660i just screams for attention.

W660i has the same basic features and good sound quality like the rest of the Walkman phone family. Bundled with 512mb Memory Stick Micro, you get to keep a sizable music collections. The phone comes with a 2.0 megapixels camera, and what's even cooler, is that it has picture blogging capability, a function that lets you take a picture and send it straight to a live blog! Great for bloggers. :)

Speaking of the camera, I can't stop but drool over the beautiful motif on the Rose Red version. Still personally, I prefer the black and gold combo.

The new W660i will be available soon.

Can't wait to get my hands on it!


Anonymous said...

The phone design is really nice!

Anonymous said...

hrmmm... nice.